Saturday, 21 January 2012

anti pasti live,test tubes, strummer,bbg

hello and so today we mark 9 months on the blog and the hunt is on for more stuff occationally i concentrate on finding stuff on certain bands and ignore others this is not done on purpose and in time i will get other stuff up depends on how i feel and more to the pointwhat i can find,it shocked me really that between 76 and 79 no record releases came from the city but i guess thats how it was i could be wrong but hey if you know better let me know.dont forget to check the blog pages from the past there is probebly more on it that you realise andso on to todays stuff and a live gig from anti pasti  from preston in 1982 this is what i found some of you may have it and others wont have heard it so in all its glory here it is the sound aint that great but who cares eh.i have also found a gig by the enemy from the 100 club and will get that sorted in good time as well.always on the look out for anything i havent heard from the past so if you have it send it this way and keep the stuff alive.
another track from cleopatras in derby and the great joe strummer signing heartbreak hotel.i didnt film this from peter and the test tubebabies at the bell but the quality is brilliant so fare play to the person that filmed it and its well worth a watch.

a nice pic of the stage at the ajanta the radiator can still be seen when the punk bands played but for how long.
and so for you football nuts and the baseball ground a nice 90 minutes of film.
so thats it this week hope you enjoyed it pass the link around to al your good friends and take care .cheersjv

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